Online Gamers: You May Be At Risk

The impact of cyber-attacks on gamers grew during the COVID-19 outbreak, according to a study by Kapersky . This could be due to the boredom we all had to endure during the worldwide mandated lockdowns.


“The number of impacted mobile users grew by 185% at the start of the pandemic and to date, has only decreased by 10%.” (CyWare). “Around 303,827 users were faced with gaming-related malware and other unwanted software, while 69,224 files were propagated under the pretense of 24 most played PC games.”   


With video games becoming more popular and widespread, hackers and other cyber-criminals are taking advantage of the newfound market of targets for their crimes.


“This booming industry is seeing significant growth, largely due to the pandemic, with many turning to online gaming to escape some of the realities that consumed many of us over the past year. Coupled with the fact that the next generation of gaming consoles are being released to meet the demographics of both younger and older consumers, the gaming world will continue to expand.” (IT Security Guru). “Sensitive information, both personal and financial, are used, stored, and linked to online gaming accounts. If exploited, this information can be a valuable target for cybercriminals. To avoid being targeted and to continue enjoying the mystical worlds found within online gaming, users need to be aware of cybersecurity threats.”


If you play video games and run them on a public network, you could be at risk of cyber-attack. Some of the most affected PC games include Minecraft, PUBG, Fortnite, The Sims 4, and Grand Theft Auto V. “Minecraft took the first place with 36,336 distributed files affecting 184,887 users and resulting in 3,010,891 attempted infections detected over the course of July 2020 through June 2021.” (Kapersky).


A sufficient way to protect yourself if you do choose to game online is through a VPN, according to IT Security Guru.


“Virtual Private Networks (VPN) are an ideal tool to mask sensitive information. They are commonly used to obscure one’s location, IP address, history, activity, and digital devices, making the VPN a very strong defense against identity theft threats.” 


Another useful safety measure is the use of antivirus software.
“Antivirus software can scan for known viruses and prompt the user to take action once it finds a threat. The software indicates the infected files and schedules regular scans to protect the computer. Also, this software can offer protection against ransomware, spyware, Trojans, and spam. It is worth noting that antivirus software will only prevent against known threats.” (IT Security Guru).


According to CyWare, there is a responsibility on the part of firms to increase security among users, however, there is also a responsibility that lies on the shoulders of the user to protect themselves when they game online.


“As threat actors continue to target gamers, it is incumbent on gaming firms to ensure the safety of their consumers. Nevertheless, as cyber-security is not only dependent on organizations, (but) individuals should safeguard their data by implementing 2FA, using strong passwords, and downloading games from official app stores.” 


With these safety measures, gamers should be able to better protect themselves from cyber-attack.


“You might be able to respawn in a game, but you can’t in real life. Protecting one’s identity and sensitive information is paramount in all walks of life, and the gaming industry is no different.” (IT Security Guru). 


Have any questions about cyber-security? Responsive Technology Partners is the leading cyber-security expert in the Athens, Metter, Milledgeville, Vidalia, and Atlanta, Georgia areas. We also have locations in Tampa, Florida, Roanoke, Virginia, and Raleigh South Carolina. Please check out our website to learn more:









Kaspersky. “Gaming-Related Cyberthreats in 2020 and 2021.” Kapersky, 25 Aug. 2021, 

Cyware. “An Extensive Look into Gaming-Related Cyberthreats.” Cyware Labs, 31 Aug. 2021, 

Writer, Guru. “Cybersecurity and Online Gaming.” IT Security Guru, 26 Apr. 2021,