Cyber risk quantification is a cyber security strategy that could be a trend in 2023. With the growing sophistication of cyber threats, cyber security efforts need to reflect the cybercrime landscape.
“Cyber Risk Quantification supports the design of a cybersecurity program focused on minimizing potential financial impact, addressing the rising costs of data breaches, while also giving stakeholders a greater appreciation for protection efforts.” (Up Guard).
This strategy can help companies merge their cyber departments with the rest of the company while revealing valuable insights.
“By quantifying the dollar impact of a risk event, you can confidently answer questions like ‘How much should we invest in cybersecurity?’, ‘What will be the return on investment?’, and ‘Do we have enough cyber insurance coverage?’” (Metric Stream).
The most beneficial aspect of this strategy is the financial aspect.
“Quantifying cyber risks supports intelligent decision-making, helping security professionals make informed decisions about which threats and vulnerabilities to address first. But the CRQ process is more than just assigning each cyber risk a criticality rating. What makes this classification model unique is the consideration of financial risk.” (Up Guard).
This benefit spreads across the whole company that adopts cyber risk quantification.
“Risk quantification can benefit multiple stakeholders. CISOs gain a deeper understanding of risk impact which helps them make data-driven decisions. Boards have more visibility into what’s at stake for the business in terms of dollar value. And executives can effectively prioritize cybersecurity investments, driving alignment between cyber programs and business goals.” (Metric Stream).
This merging of departments causes a domino effect.
“Decision-makers and security leaders speak in a language of financial terms, not cybersecurity terminology. The CRQ risk model bridges the gap between management and security professionals, helping stakeholders appreciate the value of their security investments without requiring prolonged explanations of esoterics.” (Up Guard).
Have any questions about cyber-security? Responsive Technology Partners is the leading cyber-security expert in the Athens, Metter, Milledgeville, Vidalia, and Atlanta, Georgia areas. We also have locations in Tampa, Florida, Roanoke, Virginia, and Raleigh South Carolina. Service offerings include I.T. support, cyber-security and compliance, telephony, cloud services, cabling, access control, and camera systems. Our company’s mission is to provide world-class customer service through industry leading I.T. solutions that make every customer feel as if they are our only customer. Please visit our website to learn more:
Up Guard.
Metric Stream.,cybersecurity%20resources%20for%20maximum%20impact.