A holistic cyber security approach includes a mixture of different cyber security procedures to ensure a secure network.


“Regardless of what business you are in, holistic cybersecurity is deemed to be an integral part of a company's digitalization. With cyber-attacks increasing at a rapid pace and the average cost of a data breach reaching 3.98 US dollars (2019) from 3.86 US dollars (2018), most companies have taken up the smart strategy of protecting themselves through a bend of technology tools and processes.” (Tech Times).


This approach ends up involving and incorporating all departments to ensure that cyber security measures are being adopted.


“Keeping an eye on all factors to reduce risk, impact, and possible costs along with keeping optimal business performance can be quite a challenge. Obviously, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. That is why cybersecurity requires a holistic approach addressing technology, people, and skills as well as processes and governance. This is not limited to the classic security mandate but also requires integration with enterprise risk management, strong IT asset management, change management, and incident response as well as the continuous involvement of your front-office employees.” (Accenture).


Involving everyone means addressing human error.


“As an organization is based upon the people working within it, holistic cybersecurity recognizes their importance along with cultural and social factors. Cybersecurity is a field that revolves mainly around human psychology and behavior. It the human behavior that can very well fill in security flaws; therefore, it is essential to recognize how people can be the strongest or the weakest block of a cybersecurity infrastructure.” (Tech Times).


Overall, a holistic approach is achieved through training employees and addressing weaknesses.


“This holistic approach to business resilience is not entirely new. And although leading companies in cybersecurity—the 17 percent of companies researched—proved investing in this approach pays off, it‘s still not common practice. To become truly resilient, and have a 360 degrees viewpoint on your security measures, focus on these topics to perfectly close your security circle: basic hygiene, the human skill gap, tech implementation, and a businesswise approach.”


Want to learn more about improving cyber security? Responsive Technology Partners is the leading cyber-security expert in the Athens, Metter, Milledgeville, Vidalia, and Atlanta, Georgia areas. We also have locations in Tampa, Florida, Roanoke, Virginia, and Raleigh, North Carolina. Service offerings include I.T. support, cyber-security and compliance, telephony, cloud services, cabling, access control, and camera systems. Our company’s mission is to provide world-class customer service through industry leading I.T. solutions that make every customer feel as if they are our only customer. Please visit our website to learn more: https://www.responsivetechnologypartners.com/.













Accenture. https://www.accenture.com/nl-en/blogs/insights/cybersecurity-holistic-approach-to-cyber-resilience 
Tech Times. https://www.techtimes.com/articles/248566/20200403/why-is-the-holistic-cybersecurity-approach-important.htm