Dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble make way for a new age of digital dating, however, simultaneously opens doors for cyber criminals to target individuals.
“There is a dilemma with dating apps that we need to address. Strong relationships require vulnerability, authenticity and trust, but responsible dating app use demands security and safety. How do you build a trusting relationship from an app that could potentially introduce you to dangerous people?” (Deseret).
There are many different techniques scammers use to attack online daters, such as identity theft and fraud.
“Unfortunately, scammers target online dating services to commit identity theft and financial fraud. In 2021, over 24,000 Americans were hit by romance scams, with scammers stealing over $1 billion.” (Aura).
So, in this new age of dating, how does one stay safe?
“Dating app users should be cautious about how much data they give out on a dating app. As reported by the Guardian, linking your social media account can reveal personal information that you may not want a stranger to know. The Guardian suggests using photos for your dating profile that are different from your social media accounts so that a reverse image search won’t give out your social media information. Do not give out your contact information, physical address, financial information or sensitive personal information on a dating app.” (Deseret).
Always be careful and suspicious of new matches.
“If you feel a connection with someone, do a quick Google search of their photos and name to make sure they’re not a scammer. Meeting people offline (in a public place at first) is always the first step toward trust. Be very careful about doing any favors or trusting a match too much at first if you haven’t even met them in real life. If they start talking about money, needing help, or having some kind of medical emergency, you should take that as a red flag.” (Aura).
Overall, be wary of anyone you meet online, especially on dating sites this Valentine's Day season. If you have any questions about cyber security on online dating site, Responsive Technology Partners is the leading cyber-security expert in the Athens, Metter, Milledgeville, Vidalia, and Atlanta, Georgia areas. We also have locations in Tampa, Florida, Roanoke, Virginia, and Raleigh South Carolina. Service offerings include I.T. support, cyber-security and compliance, telephony, cloud services, cabling, access control, and camera systems. Our company’s mission is to provide world-class customer service through industry leading I.T. solutions that make every customer feel as if they are our only customer. Please visit our website to learn more: